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Jan 9, 2019

Passion is essential for a life full of happiness and success. However, how do you find balance with the things you love doing? How will you benefit from more balance?

A Happier Year is now available —  an illustrated calendar with 366 science-based actions. Use the code "happycastlistener" for 10% off at checkout on

[00:00] Intro

[03:45] What is passion?

[05:40] Two types of passion: Obsessive and harmonious passions

[09:30] Problems with obsessive passion

[10:50] Why is harmonious passion good?

[11:10] Harmonious passion and concentration

[11:46] Harmonious passion and decision making

[13:25] Harmonious passion and happiness

[14:48] Harmonious passion and success

[16:15] Burnout and why harmonious passion is key to overcoming burnout.

[18:40] Balance is key. A quick tip on how to find harmony.